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Woman "Creeped Out" at Strange Food Cooked by Foreign Neighbors

Grossed out woman who has a generous neighborLeft: Kowalski is at an impasse

(Toledo, OH) It has gotten to the point where Brenda Kowalski is beginning to dread a knock at the door.

"Odds are it's that weird neighbor of mine bringing over some bizarre-smelling food," she said, opening the latest tinfoil-wrapped offering. "And half the time I can't figure out what the main ingredients are. I'm afraid to even taste any of that shit."

Kowalski said that the "crud fest" began about three weeks ago.

"I watched her kid for a couple of hours while she took her husband to the emergency room - no big deal," she said, scraping the unknown dish into the trash can. "Now she acts like she owes me her life or something, and drops off at least five fully cooked meals a week. Ugh."

Strange food from neighborLeft: Might be chicken, might be cat, but Kowalski is not taking any chances

The real dilemma, said Kowalski, is that she doesn't want to offend her well-meaning neighbor.

"I mean, she's putting in a lot of hard work. What if she's from one of those places where it's an insult to refuse food?" she mused as she washed the china plate. "But I'll be damned if I'm going to eat something that smells like rancid meatloaf. Plus - how do I know if she even washes her hands?"

I couldn't eat that crap, either.
Mmmmmmmm, Cat!

The other white meat.
Acually, that doesn't look to bad, i see mushrooms, onions, rice, chicken or tuna or pork and a cream sause. Of course i didn't smell it either though....
Hey Anon,

"...chicken or tuna or pork..."

That's C-A-T!

You know the other, other white meat; and purrrrfect for stir fry ;-)
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