Costco Opponents: "Leave Westgate Alone!"

(Toledo, OH) Opponents of a proposed Costco outlet in Toledo's Westgate Village shopping center gathered to protest "scary modern stuff," said spokesperson Fred Grimsby.
"This center was built in 1956, and that's where we intend to keep it," he said. "We fear change, don't want it, and we'll fight to keep things just the way they are, thank you very much."
Grimsby pointed to the Westgate parking lot as an example of the center's strength.
"Just look at all the open parking here," he said. "What retailer wouldn't like to come in and see how much room there is for cars?"

The amount of available space is also a plus, said Grimsby.
"Why, all you have to do is show a smart businessman how much room there is for growth," he said. "Any wise young whippersnapper is going to see that this place is ready to start jumping just the way it is!"
Grimsby thinks that there are plenty of retailers that might fit well in the shopping center.
"I just bet a malted shop would be a great place for the teenagers on their way to the sock hop," he said. "We used to love going to Milton's Malts way back when."
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I bet you that if you can get sum boats to pull them wires on the big blue brige, we cude get it wide enough to move westgate to the east side and put it in the mareena distrik. If that wont work, we cude get westgate down woodvill road and put it on the sevan eleben. they ripped wade off sum lotto tikits.
That's what is wrong with this city, a lack of good malts. Sure we have all these coffee places and Steak and Shake with their sippable sundaes, but a real good old fashion malt? Quit teasing us with the past with saying we can add flavored syrup to our sodas because that just doesn't cut it.
He's right, bring back the malts and we might be on to something.
He's right, bring back the malts and we might be on to something.
You fear change? My thinking on the Westgate-Costco merge, is to mix the local retailers with Costco.
Costco will bring much needed business to the current retailers at Westgate.
What you Bob, should fear...all the local retailers may be booted out...looks like that is the plan of our Great City Government.
You fear change? My thinking on the Westgate-Costco merge, is to mix the local retailers with Costco.
Costco will bring much needed business to the current retailers at Westgate.
What you Bob, should fear...all the local retailers may be booted out...looks like that is the plan of our Great City Government.
Bob - you are right on target with your profoundly accurate description of the Toledo mindset.
"Way back when" is just that - now is the time for the future, progress and adjustment. It's the 'way back when' thinking that is keeping us drained, broke, and defeated.
I do not advocate indiscriminate change, but we need to wake up and open our minds to OPTIONS. We have them, we just aren't taking advantage of them.
Keep up the good work!
"Way back when" is just that - now is the time for the future, progress and adjustment. It's the 'way back when' thinking that is keeping us drained, broke, and defeated.
I do not advocate indiscriminate change, but we need to wake up and open our minds to OPTIONS. We have them, we just aren't taking advantage of them.
Keep up the good work!
Great Eastern ain't big enuf to hold a NASCAR stoar. Im hoping to get this done befor the end of the seezon becuz we nead more NASCAR stoars at the mareena distrik on the East Side because that asshole Rusty Walice aint gonna race next yeer.
Bob very much enjoys change; in, fact, he changes his underwear and socks weekly, whether they need them or not.
How true this is. Toledo wants to live in the past. Change is a horrible concept for those who wish Tiedtke's was still in town for shopping. It this town doesn't change its thinking on this subject and progress, period, it's going to disappear. I have two daughters who went to college out of town, and they don't want to come back here to work. They say there's nothing in Toledo to make them want to come back.
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