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Jail Deputy Unhappy With Quality of Inmates

(Toledo, OH) Robert Ferguson, a deputy at the Lucas County Correction Center, expressed unhappiness with the "bunch of low-life losers" that he deals with on a daily basis.

"Look, I know that I am going to see some tough customers here," he said. "But you would not believe the kinds of people that wind up in this place."

Ferguson said that many of the inmates have committed serious crimes.

"You see violent criminals, raving psychotics, and some seriously disturbed people," he said. "This is nothing like the training videos or 'Night Court.'"

The first-year employee expressed outrage at the language used by inmates.

"I had heard the F-word used like, maybe, once in my life before working here," he said. "That filthy term drops from the mouths of these individuals like slop from a lazy hog."

Ferguson said that it took him a while to learn the language of the jailhouse.

"I though that the men were just looking forward to a new menu," he said of the term "fresh meat." "Boy, when I found out what they really meant, I was really disgusted. I know the Lord works in mysterious ways, but that stuff is just wrong."

I think that guy is my neighbor
Poor guy, see if we had Judge Judy out here? He'd be fine.

Funny thing, Robert appears to have a Metroparks patch on his jacket and the picture is in a parks setting...

Are you sure he isn't guarding pick-a-nick baskets from Yogi and Boo Boo???
He's in disguise

Hey - we're low-budget. Y'all should be grateful Bob is not drawing these pics...
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