McCloskey Gloats Over Primary Victory

(Toledo, OH) Councilman Bob McCloskey, the top vote-getter in last week's primary, laughed over what he called "the incredible stupidity" of Toledo voters.
"How many other indicted extortionists could get that many votes," he asked. "Answer: none. I am the alpha and the omega of Toledo politics."
McCloskey, who has also come under fire for a campaign maneuver that evades term-limit laws by switching from a district seat to an at-large seat, scoffed at suggestions that voters will catch on to his antics.
"You have stupid people, you have sheep, and below those groups you have Toledo voters," he chuckled. "They are trained like chimps to pull the same lever each time, and by God, I am living proof."
McCloskey predicted that he would set an all-time record in November.
"These people are such buffoons that I wouldn't be surprised if I was on 80% of all ballots," he said. "My God, I didn't even need to waste any money advertising."
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Ah yes, Bob "full of bullshit" McCloskey.
The worst thing is, he's right.
Arrogance thy name is Bullshit, err… Bulldog.
It wouldn't be so bad if he had all his teeth, was literate, and walked upright.
What a Neanderthal, that one…
The worst thing is, he's right.
Arrogance thy name is Bullshit, err… Bulldog.
It wouldn't be so bad if he had all his teeth, was literate, and walked upright.
What a Neanderthal, that one…
McCloskey is an opportunist, people. He should be commended, not chastised.
Entrepreneurial spirit, right?
Entrepreneurial spirit, right?
Bob McCroosky has been raping the East Side and the Old South End for the past 12 years. Now he wants all of Toledo.
McCrooksky is nothing more than white trash. Voters wise up and vote him out.
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McCrooksky is nothing more than white trash. Voters wise up and vote him out.
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