Toledo Nazis "Hard To Find"

(Toledo, OH) Walt Pryzmierski, a North Toledo resident who protested the appearance of Bill White and other National Socialist Movement (NSM) operatives, and who also is an avid hunter, said that he has been "unable to locate any of those Nazi varmints."
Pryzmierski, 81, said that he and his hounds have been attempting to track the presence of neo-Nazis, but their efforts have so far been futile.
"Can't see hide nor hair of 'em in Northwest Ohio," he said, spitting out a wad of tobacco. "Beginning to think that there just ain't any to be found."
Pryzmierski said that media hype of the existence of Nazis in Northwest Ohio was largely to blame for the rumor.
"Nazis have a particular odor, something of a cross between a skunk and a dead fish," he said. "Believe me, if there were Nazis around, both me and my dogs would be smelling their stench."
The experienced hunter believes, if there are any Nazis in Toledo, that they are "holed up someplace."
"My guess is that they are hiding out in a tattoo parlor or something," he said. "That tattoo ink messes with the dogs' sense of smell."
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88! Because we have to pretend to be cool and don't have the guts to say what it means....
Eighth letter of the alphabet. HH, in turn, means "Heil Hitler!
Hell even the little girls in Prussian Blue know that much...
Eighth letter of the alphabet. HH, in turn, means "Heil Hitler!
Hell even the little girls in Prussian Blue know that much...
why did alot of the retards (nazis) wear masks? and why did they need police protection? if your bad a** enough to come to Toledo and talk sh*t then youre bad a** enough to deal with our reactions.. If your proud of what you say you are then why the masks? Im white and im proud of it but thats not what caused the problems MSN and thier IGNORANT WAYS were the problem. I have a hispanic child and black sister and brother and i would f*ck up ANYONE who disrespected them and they would do the same for me.. HERE'S A SUGESTION... IF YOUR PROUD TO BE A NAZI COME BACK HERE TO TOLEDO AN TALK YOUR SH*T WITHOUT BEGGING FOR POLICE PROTECTION.. THEN SEE HOW PROUD YOU REALLY ARE... NAZI'S ARE JUST PEOPLE WITH LOW SELF ESTEEM WHO NEED SOMETHING TO DO... BASICALLY YOUR COWARDS....
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