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Toledoan Discovers Nazi Exit Route

Alleged escape route of Nazis

Walt Pryzmierski, a North Toledo resident who protested the appearance of Bill White and other National Socialist Movement (NSM) operatives, says he thinks he has located the Nazis after their quick exit from Wilson Park on Saturday.

"One minute they were railing about the blacks and Jews, and the next minute I saw them slink off into this hole," he said. "I've been guarding it with my rifle for two days, but I haven't seen them peek out yet."

Pryzmierski, 81, said that he and his hounds tracked the "varmints" to the hole using bits of dicarded clothing.

"We found some shiny leather boots and swatstika patches near the pool," he said. "My dogs have been chasing skunks all summer, so it was short work for them to root the Nazis out."
Pryzmierski and dog

The elderly hunter is bound and determined to wait out his prey.

"I got nothing else to do," he said. "I didn't fight in WWII to come home and have these bastards cause a riot here, and besides, I just didn't like the way the little weasels sat there and laughed about the trouble they caused."

He added: "If they show their little snouts again, I'm going to give them a little .22 caliber love."

Pryzmierski, 81, said that he and his hounds tracked the "varmints" to the hole using bits of dicarded clothing.

Someone better tell Pryzmuerski that his hounds could become deathly sick if they were to bite that particular varmint.

They are a 4-way cross between a chicken, a weasel, a rabbit, and a skunk.

Not a nice critter…
I think he means it, we better talk about scheduling who's going to take him dinner.

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