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Toledo Still Not Preparing For Nazis Who Aren't Returning

Left: Nothing happening in North Toledo - honest!

(Toledo, OH) Citizens and officials in this midwestern Rust Belt city continue to not do anything about a return visit from NSM (National Socialist Movement) that is not scheduled to happen Saturday.

"Yes, it's life as normal on Bronson Street, and nothing is going to happen," said resident Kevin Mayhew. "There is nothing going on, nothing expected to go on, and probably nothing in the near future, either."

Several residents noted an increased number of police cruisers doing nothing.

"Yeah, the police are doing a lot of sitting," said one resident who refused to be named. "They pretty much seem to think there's nothing going on, either."

A group of goose-stepping young men in brown shirts seemed to think things were peaceful, too.

"Yeah, not much happening here," said one marcher. "We like it that way, too!"

Confirming that @ ~1:00 p.m., still a whole lotta nuttin going on...
Maybe they are invisible nazis....

heh heh heh heh heh .... Gotta love car insurance roanoke virginia
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