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Local NSM Members Admit: "It's All About The Uniform"

The fourth segment in continuous live coverage of Nazifest 2005 Mach 2

(Toledo, OH) Both of the members of Toledo's National Socialist Movement (NSM) unit said that the "smart and sexy" uniforms were the reason they joined the group.

"Well, it came down to the leather pants," said Jason Nicholsen of Toledo. "They really make my ass look delectable."

Fellow Nazi Joshua Bannister, also of Toledo, agreed with Nicholsen.

"Ooooh - it IS a sexy tush," he said, giving Nicholsen a quick goose. "And that leather cap really makes you look, well, IN CHARGE."

Both men downplayed ideology in their choice of organizations.

"Look - some of the se NSM boys are, well, kind of racist," said Bannister. "But get them alone in the bathtub with some wine and candles, and they're just like you and me."

Nicholsen agreed.

"They cut out all that supremacists stuff once you get them alone," he said. "They really just want a firm hand to spank them and tell them how naughty they have been."

interesting you make fun of Nazis by comparing them to homosexuals.

Sounds like you have some hidden prejudices also
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