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Local Woman Tries Black, and Does Not, In Fact, Automatically Go Back

By Billy Pilgrim, Toxin-Free Toledo Tales Rogue Editor

(Toledo, OH)—Marcia Gonzalez grew up in a traditional Latino family, so it was a considerable concern for her parents when she went on her first date with African-American co-worker Trent Jameson.

But after a string of bad relationships with “Toledo thugs” and “corporate yuppies,” Ms. Gonzalez had an evening marked by respect, chivalry, and a few polite political jokes, and is considering a second date next Friday.

“I had no idea Trent was so well read,” Gonzalez beamed. “After some light discussion about the mayor situation, we talked about Jane Austen all through dinner. God, he’s a catch!”

Unfortunately, Gonzalez’s family does not share her enthusiasm for her newfound romance. Simpatico, her frail 77-year old aunt, scoffed at the idea of interracial courtship. In an exclusive interview with Toledo Tales, Simpatico blasted her niece, stating that “she want be bitch now” and “why not nice boy with Mercedes.”

Despite these candid familial objections, Trent Jameson is taking the situation in stride, and is content to let the relationship run its course: “Marcia is beautiful, and we have a lot in common. I plan to take this slow and really get to know her.”

When prompted about her family’s prejudicial views, however, Jameson grew reserved.

“Now that you mention it, someone did throw a brick through my bay window last night,” Jameson revealed in a hushed whisper. “I just assumed it was Bill White trying to get a hard-on.”

The Nigger is asking to have his Black Ass kicked.
"“Now that you mention it, someone did throw a brick through my bay window last night,” Jameson revealed in a hushed whisper.

Gonzalez's husband???

Latino men can get funny about dating their wives; not that I'd ever do it, again...
Marcia's hot!!!!!!!!!!!!
She sounds proud to be a Nigger Fucking Whore.
If you're interested in a white guy who is not a yuppie or a thug, give me a call.
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