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Finkbeiner Hitches A Ride To DC

By Toledo Tales contributor Feckless Freddie

Left: The Mayor and his wife, Amy

(Washington, DC) Mayor Finkbeiner will travel with COSI Toledo repsresentatives today to the capitol to receive a "2005 National Award for Museum and Library Service" from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

"It will be a great honor to tag along with these folks, especially since I have not had anything to so with COSI in over four years," he smiled. "What a lucky break - three weeks in office and I'm meeting the President."

COSI is one of six facilities that will take part in an award ceremony presided over by First Lady Laura Bush in the White House's East Room. Finkbeiner said that he was "excited" to make the trip.

"I had planned to spend this week pretending to be busy with economic development," he said. "This gets me out of the office for a couple of days, and I'll probably be able to get a really neat photo to hang on my wall."

Annual losses of $350,000 prompted COSI board members to push for a 1/8 mill levy on the November ballot. Finkbeiner said that the funding troubles should be the least of anyone's concerns.

"I am the master of throwing money around, and I am sure that my team will be able to find some cash to stall the closing of COSI until the next mayor takes office," he said. "It's a helluva lot easier to stick some other sucker with actually fixing the problem."

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