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WSPD'S Wilson Slams Blogs, Anything Invented After 1960

(Toledo, OH) In an interview with Toledo Tales, WSPD program director and afternoon talk show host Brian Wilson took aim at a number of modern innovations.

"As far as I am concerned, communications peaked with Art Linkletter and Ted Mack, and has gone downhill ever since, " said Wilson, polishing a fishing pole. "These blogs are populated by Kool-Aid drinkers, mouth-breathers, has-beens, never-will-be people and so on. Just the sort of person who would never make it on the Art Linkletter show."

Wilson said that the whole "Internet thingee" has been overhyped.

"What the hell is wrong with a good, old-fashioned letter and envelope?" he asked, adding a bass lure to his line. "So what if it takes three days? You could be out fishing while you are waiting for the reply."

Wilson believes that technological innovation is "a passing fad."

"They said that the microwave oven would eliminate the stove, but we still have both," he said, taking a sip from his can of Ensure. "This satellite radio? A fad. In another ten years we will go back to the basics - print newspapers and AM radio. Just you watch. Say, there, young fellow - what were we just talking about?"

I have not met anyone who listens to this idiot.
After a few afternoons of listening to him, I gave up.
Is that Brian guy still around?

Damn, that Andy must be stupider than I gave him credit for...


Maybe it's all part of Andy's devious scheme to run Clear Channel in to the ground and pick it up for pennies on the dollar.

Hmmmmmmm..., I wonder...
My husband and I cannot stand listening... he never completes a thought, just goes on & on with his blathering until 6.
and somebody actually pays this idiot for driving all of us away. they need bob franz back and quick. and they need to talk denny into coming back. i'm getting my news from wjr and from 1100 in clevland now.
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