Local Cop Misses Days of "Endless Ass-Kicking"

(Toledo, OH) Local police officer Thaddeus Stepanski does not agree with recent efforts to reduce violent conflict with suspects.
"As far as I am concerned, nothing gets a suspect's attention quicker than a nightstick to the skull," said the 28-year veteran. "In the old days we could have a confession out of a suspect in thirty seconds, flat."
Stepanski said that his trademark method of getting a wild suspect under control involved his handcuffs.
"Not putting on the handcuffs - that came later," he said. "No, you put the cuffs across your knuckles and put a couple dozen diamond-shaped dents in a fucker's head, and then you cuff 'im."
Another techniques from a bygone era was the ubiquitous stairwell, said Stepanski.
"Anybody who was trouble on the fifth floor was a quiet little lamb by the first floor," he smiled. "There is something about falling down a couple flights of stairs that makes even the biggest punk shut right the hell up. Ah - if we could only return to the good old days." Eminem Proof
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Hey brother - it's Friday night and everyone is drunk. Cut 'em some slack on the whole spelling and geography thang.
Whoah Bob, way too close to too many cops that I know.
On second thought, that makes it non-funny, if you think about it. . .
On second thought, that makes it non-funny, if you think about it. . .
If you're too stupid to understand "STOP!! POLICE!!", you need to have your skull caved in.
(disclaimer: The previous comments are not the opinions of the author, but simply another lame attempt to post something ignorant. The police are heros and are respected pillars of the community.)
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(disclaimer: The previous comments are not the opinions of the author, but simply another lame attempt to post something ignorant. The police are heros and are respected pillars of the community.)
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