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Accused Pedophile Priest "Cool" Being Around Kids

By Toledo Tales contributing editor Aerdina

Left: The candy-man?

The Toledo Catholic Diocese has gone to court to keep a former priest away from a West Toledo chapel because children attend a nearby school.

The ex-priest, Chet Warren, told Toledo Tales reporters that he doesn't see a problem being around children.

"I've always loved children," said Warren. "Some of my best friends are children, and I just like to be around them. Is that so wrong?"

Warren believes that there is a Biblical basis for his friendships.

"Hey man - since I couldn't have any of my own as a priest, I enjoyed their company," he said. "Like Jesus said:"Suffer the little children unto me?" I'm just following the Lord's advice."

One of Warren's favorite holidays is the Halloween season.

"Man, oh man; there is nothing like Trick-or-Treat to bring out the kiddies," he said wistfully. "That's why I keep candy with me 24/7 - every day is Halloween when Chet Warren is around."

The source of the dispute between the Church and Warren is a chapel at Blessed Sacrament. Interviewed by Toledo Tales at the church, Warren pointed to the dozens of children milling about during recess.

"Look at those beautiful, innocent faces and those sinewy, lithe bodies," he mused. "How could I ever harm such delightful little morsels...I mean, temples of God as these? Hey, sonny - want a Tootsie Roll?" Macbook American Idol

Want to suck on my candy cane?
"C'mere little boy. Ya wanna piece of this Tootsie Roll (midget)?"

That Chet, what a character ;-)

"C'mere little girl. Ya want some of dis fruit roll-up?"

Har, har, har, har!

Chet the perv. Always was a ladies man :-)

That is what the kiddies call me!

(But, they always , cum..., err, come.

typical of priest using Bible to back up his twisted sexuality - touching children? Delusional, phucking maniac! THE BOYS need to take you out and teach you a lesson that will follow you into HELL!
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