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WSPD's Wilson Completes Housecleaning

(Toledo, OH) The last member of the "rancid old guard" that occupied WSPD-1370 when Brian Wilson became program director has now been booted out, and the PD couldn't be happier.

Longtime news director Tom Watkins was the latest to hit the proverbial bricks. He follows the departure of hosts Denny Shaffer, Bob Frantz, and reporter Rob Wiercinski.

"I thought we would never get rid of those back-stabbing, chicken-eating ne'er-do-wells," sighed Wilson. "We now have a team in place who will join me wholeheartedly in the WSPD drive to the bottom."

Watkins, citing a confidential severance package, refused to comment on the change. He was overheard muttering something about "the Titanic" and "deck chairs" on the way to his car.

Wilson said that there may be a hidden motive for the changes and downward spiral of the station's ratings.

"Let's just say that a certain conglomerate might want to make a certain station look less profitable for tax purposes," he said. "I'm not saying that's the case with WSPD, but you never know. Maybe all that stinks is not necessarily a pile of dog crap."

Wilson's house cleaning job when he can look in the mirror and NOT see himself (or, his wife)...

Then maybe some of the listeners will return.

As for Mr. Wilson, FoaD! (And, the sooner, the better).
What ever happened to Carl Detmer?
Come on now, it isn't like we couldn't see this coming. Wilson fired Rob because there wasn't enough money for his wife. He took Bob off of mornings because his ego couldn't handle being the second best of two at the station. He then fired Watkins because his wife's ego couldn't handle being second best of two at the station. Personally, I love the fact that this is happening. It just means we can get back to a better station with new management in a shorter amount of time.
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