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Carty Declares War on WSPD

Left: Finkbeiner readying rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) against Clear Channel studios

(Toledo, OH) Tired of "cheap shots, half-truths, and outright lies," Toledo mayor Carty Finkbeiner announced his decision to mobilize for "full scale war" against NewsTalk radio station WSPD 1370-AM.

"“You wanted an open war and we are ready for an open war," he said to reporters outside his 22nd floor office at One Government Center. "Toledoans are in need of the day when its leaders will stand with them in pride and dignity facing the WSPD aggression because this targets the whole city, not just a crazy mayor with a quick temper."

The conflict started after comments made by Finkbeiner about morning host Fred Lefebvre, and program director Brian Wilson retaliated by banning Finkbeiner from the station. The mayor reiterated his belief that WSPD is wholly reposible for the war.

"WSPD is engaged in a war of collective punishment against the city and city officials," he insisted of the station's ban on the mayor. "The barbaric and brutal aggression this station is launching against the Finkbeiner administration is really a new fascist tactic committed while being met with suspicious silence by other local leaders, too intimidated to respond."

Finkbeiner hopes the war declaration will "force WSPD to the negotiating table."

"We can only sit by and feel frustration and anger that Clear Channel's owners do not speak out against this insanity and terror," he said, placing the Clear Channel studios in his sight. "Maybe some love from this TBG-7V thermobaric warhead will wake them up."

They all deserve each other. Carty's a hot-head megalomaniac, Lefevbre's a dolt, and Wilson's an incompetent boob. The hell with all of em.
Don't forget that Carty is closely aligned with John Robinson Block and the Toledo Blade. Block knows how to white wash and spin doctor Carty's deeds.
Atta boy Carty, stick to your guns (you big megalomaniacal weenie).
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