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Local Man Shows Moon Landing Faked at Texas Denny's

Moon landing actually staged at a Texas Denny's restaurant (Toledo, OH) Local amateur sleuth Robert "Smitty" Phillips believes that he possesses "irrefruitable photorgasmic evidence" that the moon landing was faked, and that he knows where NASA filmed the historic fraud.

"It happened outside the Denny's restaurant near Midland Texas, about two blocks from the interstate," he said, holding up photographs. "Me and some of my friends were eating Grand Slams when Luther looked up and saw all the commotion. Sure enough, they was staging the moon landing."

Astronaut Neil ArmstrongLeft: Denny's sign reflected in Neil Armstrong's visor

Phillips said that he grabbed his Brownie camera from the back of his pickup truck and started snapping photos.

"Them NASA boys were pretty pissed, and took what they thought was all my film," he said. "Then they tried zapping me with that flashy thing, like in Men in Black, but I looked away at just the right time."

The Denny's restaurant then became a surreal place, said Phillips.

"So Neil and the rest of the NASA crew comes in and orders Bacon Cheddar Burgers, acting like nothing was going on," he said. "We all stared at each other, slowly munching our fries, trying not to talk about what just happened. It was pretty awkward, sorta like having sex with your cousin, except we also had strawberry milkshakes."

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