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Police Detain 3 Men in Golf Ball Terror Plot

Left: Police found "thousands" of golf balls in the van

(Caro, MI) Three men were arrested on charges of supporting terrorism after they purchased 80 packages of golf balls from a Wal-Mart store, Michigan state police said.

The men, all of Middle Eastern descent and living in the Dallas area, were being held on charges of soliciting or providing material support for terrorism and obtaining information of a vulnerable target for the purposes of terrorism, according to police Sgt. Dale Stevenson.

"We believe these men intended to use the golf balls to take down the Mackinac Bridge," he said. "Apparently if you strike a suspension bridge just right with a drive off a 3-wood you can induce catastrophic stress in the trusses that support the Bridge deck."

Left: Mackinac Bridge just a drive away from destruction?

Adham Abdelhamid Othman, 21, of Dallas, and Maruan Awad Muhareb, 18, and Louai Abdelhamied Othman, 23, both of Mesquite, Texas, deny that they were involved in terror-related activity.

"We are being targeted because Maruan cannot drive off a tee to save his life," said Adham Othman, adding that the group planned to resell the golf balls for a profit. "When the police asked us to fire off a couple, Maruan knocked three into the drink, and then asked for a Mulligan. Look - just because he's a shitty golfer doesn't mean he's a terrorist."

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