Local DJ Enjoys Playing Only Half of "Twofer" Songs

(Toledo, OH) Kevin Orleans, overnight and weekend for Toledo's WXKR-94.5, has few bright spots in his job at the album-oriented station.
"There are times when I might go two hours without a call," he mused, queueing up the next track. "So I sometimes have a little fun to stir things up - is that so bad?"
Among the tricks Orleans uses to generate some buzz by listeners is through deliberately playing only one song of what he calls a "twofer," or album tracks that are normally played in continuous sequence, such as Journey's "Feeling That Way/Anytime."
"Yep - playing only Queen's 'We Will Rock You' without following up with 'We Are The Champions' drives 'em absolutely batty," he chuckled. "And you have never heard someone get cheesed like when you only play Boston's 'Foreplay' and skip 'Long Time.' Just when you think every drunk listener is passed out at 3:44 am, pulling a stunt like this will bring in 10 phone calls, easy."

Orleans admitted that he is begining to "enjoy a little too much" the concept of only playing half of a twofer.
"On a recent 'Two-for-Tuesday' segment I deliberately played the Beatles' 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' and 'With A Little Help From My Friends' and counted it as two songs," he chuckled. "Sure enough, I got three calls from people complaining that I owed them another song. It may be a little mean on my part, but I might go fucking nuts if I don't keep this joint lively."