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Toledo Anarcho-Feminist Syndicate Making Headway into Overthrowing the Global Capitalist System

Left: United and committed to change

(Toledo, OH) The five members of the Toledo-area Workers' Solidarity Collective said that they have been "pleased" with the results of their efforts to transform capitalist society through action by the working class on the industrial front.

"Without a doubt - the revolutionary libertarian concepts of class-struggle, federalism, direct economic action, local autonomy and mutual aid are all deeply rooted in American labor traditions," said Mitch Bednarski, a member of the group. "We are taking this message directly to the workers, and they have responded positively. I even got a good dialogue going about class conflict with this 14-year-old, until her mother yanked her away."

Bednarski said that the group conducted a "consciousness-raising session" at a local Wal-Mart store this morning.

"Workers and customers seemed very happy to hear the message," he said, adding that the group distributed over 300 self-published flyers on recycled paper with soy-based ink. "This was one of our most successful events to date, and we totally expect that our email box will be overflowing when we check it later."

Left: Consciousness-raising publication distributed at Central Avenue Wal-Mart

Contacted by Toledo Tales, Wal-Mart manager Bruce Greene said that the Workers' Solidarity Collective members were "well-behaved."

"When they pulled up, I thought: 'Uh-oh, another bunch of hippie freaks,' but they stayed out of the store, and didn't beat on drums or anything," he said. "But I gotta tell you - I'm pretty sure you aren't going to win any converts with the whole 'we-refuse-to-wear-deodorant' deal. Those folks had a Class-5 case of collective B.O. going, that's for sure."

Bednarski said that he is "totally convinced" Tuesday's elections are a sign that the revolution is near.

"Political rights do not exist because they have been legally set down on a piece of paper, but only when they have become the ingrown habit of a people, and when any attempt to impair them will meet with the violent resistance of the populace," he said. "But if the Bush regime's police state legislation is still law in 2008, the Democrats will only prove that they are similar agents of global capital. And - for the record - the natural odor of my armpits is beautiful. Thank you."

"the natural odor of my armpits is beautiful."

Thy pits wreaketh and turnith me off :-(
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