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Carty to Roll Out Red Carpet for WSPD

Carty Finkbeiner, host extraordinnaire (Toledo, OH) With the news that Judge James Carr ordered Toledo Mayor Carty Finkbeiner to allow a local radio station host, Kevin Milliken, into city press conferences, the mercurial mayor vowed to be more congenial at future events.

"Let it be known that from this day forth a new Carty will be your host," he said, bringing a tray of drinks to media representatives at One Government Center. "We will pride ourselves on providing the extras. We’re a different kind of office now, and we focus on customer service — reporters first!"

The lawsuit arose from an ongoing feud between WSPD and the mayor’s office. Last week, three talk show hosts from WSPD attempted to force their way into a news conference after Milliken was banned from a news event the previous day.

Finkbeiner said that the difficulties were "all in the past."

"It's all about taking care of the customer, and all things being equal, the one who does it the best, is likely to keep the customer forever," he said, carrying a tray of hors d'houvres. "When they come here and are treated well, we can keep these reporters not for one press conference but multiple press conferences."

Shrimp sizzlersShrimp sizzlers may ease tensions at press conferences

Most importantly, said Finkbeiner, it is important for he and his staff to mean what they say.

"If the media believes you’re sincere, they will change as well. But you need to show them you’re for real," he said, bussing a table where WSPD reporters had eaten. "That’s how we make our mark: by outperforming the other guys, by being better. Would you like a refill on your drink?"

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