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Toledo Inventor Banking on 24-Blade Disposable Razor

InfiniBlade (Toledo, OH) Larry Underhill said the "moment of inspiration" came for him while trying to shave his partner's back a few weeks ago.

"I was rinsing out one of those two-blade deals for like the nineteenth time, staring at the clumps of black man-hair swirling around in the sink," he recalled. "Then I thought: 'If I had a 24-blade razor, this would take me one-twelfth of the time."

Underhill began by super-gluing sets of disposable cartridges together, and then experimented with his unique "tapered-set" design, which he calls the "Infini-Blade."

"By gradually narrowing the sets of blades, a person can shave wide areas while keeping the maneuverability needed in tight spaces," he said, demonstrating how the 24-blade razor handled around his nipples. "Plus, if you're shaving someone as hairy as a Hobbit's foot, you don't have to rinse for, like, six or seven passes of the razor."

Close shaves make for happy couples

Ultimately, said Underhill, he sees his invention as a "great moment in the history of relationships."

"Let's face it - great big nasty gobs of sticky hair are just not sexy," he said, pointing to a clump of speckled residue in the sink. "Even the most committed of couples get grossed out shaving each other's shaggy tushes. The Infini-Blade takes the messiness out of mutual hygiene, and brings people closer together."

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Cute couple of hair-free men. Grrr!
Thanks for consistently lightening my morning. Love the humor!
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