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Bob Drools Thinking of the SI Swimsuit Issue

February 14 normally means very little to Subcomandante Bob, a lifelong bachelor and a man who views long-term relationships with a gimlet eye.

Besides being the day of St. Valentine, however, February 14 is also the release date of the much-anticipated Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

In addition to checking out the issue, you can see your favorite SI models at any time by downloading cell phone wallpapers from SI Mobile. Imagine - opening your phone to see Maria Sharapova staring back at you. These images are straight from the photo shoots featured in the magazine, are only $1.99 each, and are available for all major wireless providers.

Yes, Bob sets aside all other activities on February 14, and isolates himself in a secluded corner of the public library to gaze over the wondrous beauty that unfolds in the pages of SI's Swimsuit Edition. Only in rare years have library security officials been forced to remove Bob from the vicinity due to the complaints of other patrons, who were no doubt jealous that Bob possessed the SI Swmisuit Edition before they could get their grubby mitts on it.

Some of Bob's favorite models are going to be featured, including Heidi Klum, Ana Beatriz Barros, and Molly Sims, as well as 2005 cover girl Carolyn Murphy. While this is a sponsored post, Bob believes that the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition deserves its own day, and that St. Valentine ought to be given some other holiday.

So make sure to check out the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. You will not be disappointed, and who knows - maybe you will one day begin a long term relationship with a supermodel.

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