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Bob Watches Rockstartup.com

Among Subcomandante Bob's pleasures in life is the watching of television. There once was a point in Bob's life when he was an English lit major, studying Chaucer, William Shakespeare, and Ben Jonson, but he found that the real world has no use for people who can drop baroque metaphors and delight partygoers with oblique phrasing.

Bob is especially fond of reality television, and he delights in watching the contrived frivolities that corporate execs think is "reality." Bob knows that "reality" is life on the streets, dude, like when some hyped-up crackhead has a knife to your throat and is willing to kill you for your two-year-old Air Jordans.

But Bob digresses.

He has found one reality show that lives up to its name, and that is Rockstartup.com, which was developed by Bob's good friends at PayPerPost. They have strung together eleven episodes to date, all related to the trials and tribulations of a young company trying to make its way in the world.

Bob's favorite episode to date is number 11, which is called "Can't Hardly Weight." He likes it because, frankly, the women at PayPerPost are simply beautiful, and if Bob wasn't such a drunken idiot, he would forward a resume to PayPerPost in the hopes that he might one day rub elbows with the likes of the sumptuous Veronique, Britt, Karen, and Yvonne.

Bob is forever thankful for the chance to write sponsored posts like these, but he really does think the women at PayPerPost are dreamy.

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