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Toledo Bartender Claims Paternity of Anna Nicole's Daughter

Bartender who claims paternity of Anna Nicole Smith's daughterLeft: Bartender who claims paternity of Anna Nicole Smith's daughter

(Toledo, OH) Scott Meyers, a bartender at Toledo's Gatorz Bar and Grill, told Toledo Tales reporters that he's "99 percent sure" he is the father of the infant daughter of the late Anna Nicole Smith.

Meyers said that he and Anna Nicole "hooked up" when she was on a cruise ship in which Meyers was working in November 2005.

"I don't want to brag or anything, but once women start drinking at my bar, I can pretty much pick and choose who I am going to sleep with," he said, adding that he and Scarlett Johansson once "made nasty" together. "She had a couple of chocolate martinis, and before you can say "J. Howard Marshall' she slipped me her room key. The rest, as they say, is history."

Meyers, who said he's "normally never one to kiss and tell," added that his night with Anna Nicole was "pretty cool."

"Yeah, pretty much every which way two people can get it on, we did it," he said, launching into a series of explicit anecdotes about the alleged encounter. "I may be just a bartender, but let's just say I know what women like, which is me."

Anna Nicole Smith in a particularly revealing photographAww, yeah, boyeee! It was pretty much just like that; documentary photo supplied by Scott Meyers

Meyers said that he will not pursue legal action to enforce his parental rights.

"I'm pretty sure we're going to reach, like, a million-dollar settlement and shit so that everybody can just move forward," he said, setting up a round of drinks for a pair of real estate agents. "It was kind of like that when I got Ashlee Simpson knocked up. The old man paid me half a million to go away, she goes off to get a D-and-C, and everybody's happy. No harm no foul, I always say."

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Man I just love the bullshit made up on this website, LOL. Keep up the good work and tales!
Bartender or BullShitter, you be the judge. . .
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