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Man Unhappy with Portion Size at Applebee's

By Banfu T. Burnside, Toledo Tales contributing editor

"Not again," whined Todd Sarnac to his dining companions yesterday evening. "God, they always frigging do this to me."

Sarnac was once more unhappy with the portions he was given while dining at the Monroe Street Applebee's Restaurant. According to his friends, it is a frequently reoccurring issue.

"We go to this place at least twice a month, and every time, Todd kirks-out when he sees his plate," said Cal Sanders, one of Sarnac's closest friends. "His hands shake, he starts rocking in his chair - it's pretty scary, really, like he's having epidermal fit or something, I don't know."

Witnesses said that Sarnac was intent on making his displeasure known throughout the entire restaurant.

"That guy was so loud," noted casual diner Wendy Durbin. "Apparently the guy only got fourteen french fries with his order of Honey Blasted Ribs. And every time he ate one, he'd count them out loud so everybody would know how many he had left."

Sarnac's tactics were not unfamiliar to the waitstaff.

"Yeah, the 'fry-counter guy' comes in every few weeks," said Darlene Tommlins, shift manager. "At this point, I think the cooks intentionally short him fries just to see him squirm."

Aside from the portioning of his sides, which Sarnac labeled "totally criminal and bogus," he admits that he enjoys the Applebee's dining experience.

"It's got a great atmosphere," he said. "And they were playing the Doobie Brothers, so I'll probably go back the next time somebody suggests it. But I'm not letting that waitress leave until I make sure they didn't screw me again."

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