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Bob Recomends Bid4Prizes.com

Subcomandante Bob knows most of you are a bunch of lazy, good-for-nothing slobs who would rather get something for free than to work for it.

Well, maybe Bob is really just describing himself, but you have to admit that getting a great deal beats paying full price for items, right?

Be sure to check out bid4prizes, where the person with the lowest unique bid wins the prize. You just register, and you can start bidding on prizes like the Samsung 50" Plasma Televison that has been calling out to Bob.

Bob would sit in front of his 50" Plasma Television for about three straight weeks watching his favorite programs if he won. Of course, since Bob lives in Toledo's Cherry Street Mission homeless facility, he would have to share the 50" Plasma Television with fellow residents, many of whom have less-than-ideal personal hygiene, but he could watch American Idol on a screen so big it would be like he was sitting right next to Paula Abdul and looking right down her low-cut blouse.

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