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Listen Up: Bob Gives Two Thumbs WAY UP for PPP Direct

Subcomandante Bob knows that many bloggers out there wish that they could start selling blog ads on their sites, so that they could be as fabulously monetized as Bob. Good luck, folks - Bob is the king of blog maximization.

Or was it the king of hyperbole? It's one of the two.

Anyways, PayPerPost, whihc is the company that connects bloggers and advertisers, just announced a new program called PPP Direct. This will allow advertisers to directly hire bloggers like Bob. Stolichnaya, are you paying attention?

PayPerPost is is simply the best company that bloggers can work for, and there are many differences between PPP Direct and other PPP competitors. PPP Direct cuts out the giagntic overhead, and where ad competitors as ReviewMe charge a 50-100% markup and keep up to half your money (the mangy thieves!), PPP Direct charges just a 10% fee, 5% of which goes to transaction fees for PayPal and credit card processing.

Not too shabby, eh Bubba?

Here's how the new program works: advertisers directly contact Posties to get them to write special blog posts. PPP Direct lets bloggers specify the minimum amount they want to be paid for these Direct opportunities, after which they stick a widget on their blogs as notification. When an advertiser finds a blog they like and decides they'd wnat the blogger to write a post for them, that advertiser just clicks on the badge attached to the widget and makes the blogger an nice offer.

With PPP Direct you get to reach out to individual advertisers, even those who are not in the PPP network, and advertise your own blogs and content just the way you want.

Or however the advertiser wants. If there is enough cash involved, Bob would be willing to say that a dried out piece of bread behind the refrigerator is "a dainty morsel fit for the most discriminating of palates." Bob has few morals, little shame, and a mountain of angry bill colectors.

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