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Bob Gives Two Thumbs Way Up to The News Room

Subcomandante Bob knows that many of you website owners are struggling to make a buck, and he wants to pass along some information about The News Room, which is a news service that provides access to hundreds of thousands of fully licensed news stories that can be published, mashed, or embedded on your site.

With The News Room, you can make money via advertising share, and CPM starts at $1. So every time someone views the embedded video you provide, you get paid hard cold cash. Is that sweetness, or what?

As an example, Bob found this news video that he embedded from The News Room:

With The News Room you can put relevant, timely news on your site, while earning valuable prizes. Signing up with The News Room is easy and free, and embedding the videos is so simple even Bob could figure it out. There are thousands of news clips from which to choose, and the list grows every day.

If you, like Bob, are a website publisher or blogger who wants to earn money by embedding quality news on your site, just join The News Room and start mashing today. When you use the mash button to embed a news story or a news feed (with advertising) onto your website or blog, you start cash right away. This is a win-win deal for bloggers who want high quality content to enhance the stories on their sites, as well as for bloggers like Bob who are trying to turn a profit.

Bob is totally fired up about ebedding News Room video on his sites, and he urges you to check out the above links to learn more about The News Room.

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