Bob Recommends Reno 911! Miami - The Movie
Now, you ought to be a fan of mock reality television, like Bob, to appreciate this film, which twists around every convention of reality television. Yes, it's completely mindless, but that is the point. Note: the film is definitely not for the kids, and it contains profanity, nudity, and all sorts of ribald stuff.
Bob's favorite character in the film is without a doubt the hot pants-wearing Lieutenant James "Jim" Ron Dangle, played by Tom Lennon. Lt. Dnagle's sexuality is always in question, and this running gag is played up in the film. There is definitely an effort to portray Lt. Dangle as gay, but there are enough question marks to keep fans guessing about the issue. In the end (pun intended) Lt. Dangle plays the comedic straight man who tries to keep the crazed public safety department running with some resemblance to a police force.
Yet even when Dangle loses his ultimate job offer in Aspen, Colorado, and the Aspen Sheriff's Department finds out Dangle is gay, there is a wild scene with Trudy grabbing his package that leaves you guessing.
Follow this link to a short trailer from Reno 911! Miami The Movie, which shows the morning briefing when the officers learn they will be attending the national police convention in Miami.
Reno 911! Miami The Movie is a very funny film, and Bob recommends it to everyone who is not easily offended. There are big laughs during the dream sequence with Dangle crashing the motorcycle, where Deputy Travis Junior finds out he was only dreaming. That's followed by the real-life crash of Dangle and Junior into a Porta-John.
Bob hopes that his agent lands him a role in the sequel to this very funny film. He plays a mean accordion, and there must be some way to find humor in accordions and Porta-Johns.