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Local Flasher "Getting Psyched" for Start of School Year

(Toledo, OH) Local public exhibitionist Terrance Islington, contacted by Toledo Tales, expressed excitement about the upcoming return to classes by area students.

"No doubt, the summer's been kind of slow, except for hanging out by the pools," he noted. "And since the city opened only half of the pools this year, I have had to drive clear across town to get an audience."

Islington took aim at what he called "an overabundance of stupid summer programs" that affected his ability to practice his art.

"You got kids in libraries, kids at YMCA camp, and kids doing volunteer work for the elderly," he muttered. "But what about my needs? Does Mayor Carty Finkbeiner ever stop to think that exhibitionists are people, too? No, sir - it's always 'stick it to the naked guy' whenever city hall gets involved."

If next summer is like 2007, added Islington, he might have to consider relocation.

"It is impossible to achieve any economic growth in this city when you are chasing away residents," he said, practicing his 'quick-flash' technique for photographers. "Toledo simply is not a friendly place for exhibitionists to conduct their livelihood, and it's time for the Finkbeiner administration to explain how - or even if - it intends to change this downward spiral and its relentless attacks on people who like to share themselves with the community."


Have you thought out all of your options?

You know, with the reduced numbers of Police on the streets and the ridiculously long response times, us Peeping Toms are having a field day.

Imagine the thrill of potential discovery without the ugly police hassles.

Besides, it's Summertime, and the "pickins" is easy, plenty of golden opportunities to practice your peeping skills and scout out new turf.

Come on over to the dark side man and look to your heart's content.

Flashing is nothing, compared to peeping :-]
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