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Road Construction Destroying Business of Street-Level Crack Dealers

(Toledo, OH) Construction along Toledo's Detroit Avenue has brought aboutr a marked decrease in business for local crack dealers, who expressed their frustrations with Toledo Tales reporters.

"Since it started, road construction on Detroit has cut my business nearly in half," replied an angry Kyle Prentice. "Most of my people usually come in the afternoon, and they haven’t come in lately because traffic has been backed up. People don't want to drive through a construction zone to buy rock when they can go around the corner without any hassles."

Fellow dealer Tre Manning said that his regular customers may have switched to other dealers on clear streets.

"I think crackheads have forgotten that we're here and what good deals we can hook them up with," he said, shaking his head. "Crackheads are notoriously fickle customers, and they probably think the orange barrels have cops hiding in them or something."

Detroit Avenue crack dealers have few options beyond acquiescence, added Manning.

"It's not like we can pick up and start moving the rock on somebody else's corner. There's fixed costs, existing leases, and the likelihood the other guy will bust a fat cap in your ass," he mused. "It's obvious Mayor Finkbeiner and the city just don't care about small businessmen, and it's a shame that the little man always gets screwed."

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