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I Totally Look Like an Eskimo in My New Mukluks

Guest editorial by Hannah Phillips,
Inuit fashion expert

So, pretty much everyone in my class and on MySpace is totally into mukluks, and u just know that they are 2 much! Hannah just bought her first pair, cuz Hannah had to have sum 2, and I totally look like an Eskimo in my new mukluks.

It's not like I eat raw fish or anything, or kill baby seals (WHICH ARE JUST 2 CUTE!!!!!) and I definitely would never live in an igloo.

But I totally am into this Eskimo fashion, and I think I'm going 2 get a bone through my nose, 2!


Had u going, though, didn't I? You totally thought I was going to do the whalebone implants, like Sasha-the-whore, right? No way. And she totally sticks any old kind of bone in her.

Yes, I went there.

All I need now is a parka and a name like Qimugkauyar or Tulukaruk or K’eyghashutnu, and I could walk in The Gap at the Iqaluit Mall in Nunavit and totally fit in. And u could come 2, and we could meet Eskimo boys n stuff!

I have been to the Iqaluit Mall in Nunavit while flight testing airplanes. Very dissapointing, it is in a hotel which also houses the only swimming pool within miles. good luck with the toothless guys (that is the look there)
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