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Local DJ Vows 6-Song Rotation on Tasteless Listeners

Orleans waits for your stupid call

(Toledo, OH) Kevin Orleans, overnight and weekend DJ for Toledo's WXKR-94.5, has "just about had it" with listeners of the album-oriented station.

"I get nothing but requests for overplayed songs like ZZ Top's 'Legs' and AC-DC's 'You Shook Me All Night Long,'" noted Orleans. "So from this point forward I'm going to play the same six songs all fucking shift long."

Orleans said that the other four songs on the "shit list" include John Cougar Mellencamp's "Pink Houses," Bob Seger's "Turn the Page," Bon Jovi's "Dead or Alive," and - no surprise - Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Freebird."

"My goal here is to beat the aural idiocy to death, or to numb myself into a stupor, whichever happens first," Orleans admitted. "It's either that, or I start drinking heavily to make it through a shift. Listening to these feebs callin the station is worse than chewing a couple of warm sweat socks from a biker on a three-day bender."

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