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Toledo Anarcho-Feminist Collective Pretty Sure Revolution Has Started

Left: United and committed to change

(Toledo, OH) The five members of the Toledo-area Workers' Solidarity Collective said that they are convinced that a workers' revolution is "only weeks or months away" after a demonstration this weekend in West Toledo.

"The people at the demonstration expressed their determination to act, instead of being passive sheep," said Mitch Bednarski, a member of the group. "Everyday people came to our Act-Out Session to link up with like-minded people and in search of answers to some deep questions about just exactly what is behind these dismal times of endless war and the culture of medeival mentalities that suppresses any questioning of the status quo. That, and this dude brought some vegan burritos that really hit the spot in that 25-degree cold."

Bednarski said that "over a dozen hardcore supporters" showed up for the event, and that passersby were "way geeked" about the impending uprising.

"Without a doubt, every person who took a flyer looked like they were down for a radical upending of the murderous capitalist system, but just didn’t know how to go about doing it," he noted. "We are seeing a critical mass of support among the proletariat, the emo kids, and Ray-Ray, this homeless dude who shows up at every event we hold for the free food. I suspect that Ray-Ray has a true revolutionary's heart under the six layers of clothing he wears, although his stench takes a little getting used to."

Bednarski added that the group is "totally committed" to worldwide revoltuion, and believes that Toledo is the perfect base for spreading revolutionary ideals.

"Face it - the perfect system of political rule is the dictatorship of the proletariat, and where better to make this happen than Toledo?" he declared. "And all this cannot happen without a vanguard of the proletariat to lead it in carrying out the complex and intense struggle to bring about changes in society and in the world. That vanguard is us, people, and we are going to make Toledo radiate revolution like a hundred thousand pillars of interstellar light. Or at least like a couple of those heavy-duty flashlights the cops carry, those lackeys of the capitalist state."

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