Gonna Kick Your Everlovinbitchassssself, Understand Me?

a Drunk Guy at the end of the bar
Smilin' and laughin' over there like you fuckinknoweverthing and shit... I oughtta come over and beat the fuckingbejeezuschristus outta your punk ass.
Mmmppppphh! Faggoty-dooeey little punkassmotherfuckerenshit.
Yeah, you're all talk and shit, you and your friends, watchin' your basketball and hockey and thinkin' you're all that and the bag of motherfuckin' mulch nuggets. You're lucky I'm in a good mood and shit, faggery-boy, or I'd slide on over and mmmpppphhhh.
Ferguddery?!? Don't even THINK about talkin' 'bout my gggrrnn, asshole!