Holy Water Scalds Toledo Mayor Carty Finkbeiner

An ecumenical prayer service in the Valentine Theatre that was organized by a cross section of local Christian leaders was briefly interrupted when the sprinkling of holy water caused an "unfortunate reaction" on the skin of Toledo Mayor Carty Finkbeiner.
"I just finished my blessing and began to shake the aspergillum in the first few rows," said Rev. Martin Donnelly, pastor of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. "All of a sudden Carty howled just like a kitten in a crock pot. Sure enough, the holy water was bubbling on the Mayor's skin like water on a greased skillet. Crazy!"

Aides to the stricken mayor blamed the reaction on a new cologne, but event attendees interviewed by Toledo Tales seemed doubtful.
"You ask me, the dude looked like a garlic-eating vampire," said Jason Caulfield of Sylvania. "The Mayor brought this shit upon himself - he ought to know better than to get close to anything holy. I'm surprised he didn't burst into flames the second his ass entered the narthex."
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That little faggot Hal Turner is putting his radio show back up and asking for donations. I took a picture of my donation before I sent it.
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Now I am ready for my first re-entry to the greater Toledo area in years.
I have been wanting to go to the Joe The Plumber house on a pilgrimage for ever so long.
I have been wanting to go to the Joe The Plumber house on a pilgrimage for ever so long.
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