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Toledo Girl Scouts Linked To al-Qaeda

(Toledo, OH) The US Treasury Department has frozen the assets of another Toledo-based group, Girl Scouts of Maumee Valley Council, saying it also funnels money to terrorists.

This comes on the heels of an earlier announcement that KindHearts of Toledo is accused of having ties with the Holy Land Foundation, which is linked to Hamas, and the Global Relief Foundation, which is linked to the terrorist group al-Qaeda.

"We have been tailing these operatives for weeks as they go door-to-door raising money for terrorists," said FBI special agent Louis Nelson. "They may look like doe-eyed second graders, but these are coldblooded killers, folks."

One of the most telling clues in cookie sales was the lists of cookie purchasers.

"We found 37 people with the name "Mohammed" and 11 "Ahmeds" on these lists," said Nelson, holding up cookie order forms. "What more evidence do you people need?"

Nelson defended the government's steps as "necessary for freedom."

"Listen - we are dealing with terrorists who have infiltrated every community in the US," he said. "When cookies get sold, the terrorists win."

Eight-year old Samantha Biggens of Toledo, however, took issue with the announcement.

"I see London, I see France, I see Nelson's underpants," said the cookie-selling Girl Scout. "Oh - and he smells like dookie, too."
brrreeeport krugle

You know you are soo wrong. I called my scout leader and she said there is no truth to this.
Nuh -uh, you didn't, pootie-head!

You sat on the couch all day. Dorko!
You shouldn't print things like this that aren't true.
So that is a joke right?

I called my leader too and you are wrong. You had better check your information!
What is this, kiddie hour?

This article is satire.


Go find a dictionary and read the definition, and then have Mommy explain it to you, OK?
SubBob, before I get back to my city business, I need to say you are like totally misleading on this story. You call this satire, but you are soo going to hell for this story. I am like, totally against you talking bad about my scout sisters satire or not. My scout leader will be writing you a note, and you soo will not like it. Loooser
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