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Stale Chips, Chatty Girlfriend Ruin BCS Game for Local Man

(Toledo, OH) Sam Abershaid had been looking forward to seeing his Ohio State Buckeyes in the BCS Championship Game against the Florida Gators.

His evening, however, was "totally ruined" by a tragicomic series of misadventures.

"I sat down at kickoff, opened my bag of Fritos, and got ready to watch The Game. First thing I noticed was how stale these chips were," he said, showing reporters the offending bag. "It was too late to leave the house, and the only other edible snack food was fucking garlic Triscuits. Ugh."

Abershaid's enjoyment of the game, moreover, was also marred by the "non-stop" chatter of girlfriend Amy Pettit.

"I mean, I don't mind a couple of questions here and there, or cheering on the big plays," he said. "But she was blathering on about stupid shit, like asking me if I thought David Bowie's song "China Girl" was racist. What in the fuck does that have to do with the BCS Championship?"

Just you shut your mouth

Abershaid said that he reached the point - given the annoying commentary and unsatisfying snacks - where he was ready to simply shut the television off and go to bed.

"I would have been better off taping this shit and watching it when Amy goes to work tomorrow," he muttered, scratching his package. "Every second I have to listen to her screechy voice makes me want to stab my eardrums with shrimp skewers."

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Could have been worse..
Like my circumstance...

Every time OSU started looking bad
(which was frequently)
D had the remote and switched to WWE's Raw

WTF happened in that game?
Troy Smith was lacking in
"wooby-the-rabbit" skills.

Still disgruntled.

sobriety test to post:
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